
duminică, 26 ianuarie 2014


There’s one thing I never leave the house without wearing – under eye concealer. Pants are optional; eye concealer is not. I’ve tried just about every method and cream to hide my dark circles to no avail. Despite covering them with a boat load of concealer and distracting from them with bright red lipstick, my eyes always make me look old and tired.

After reading recently that parsley can work to help erase dark eye circles, I had to try it. A cure from a bunch of parsley that costs 99 cents? Really? Yep, the vitamin C, chlorophyll and vitamin K in parsley help lighten skin and reduce puffiness.

To make your mask, roughly chop a handful of parsley (preferably organic). In a small bowl, grind the leaves with a wooden spoon. Like muddling a drink, you want to grind the parsley until it releases the juice in the leaves.

Pour a tablespoon of hot water over the parsley and stir the mixture together. You can also combine the parsley with yogurt. When the water has cooled, use 2 cotton balls to soak up the juice. Lie down and keep the cotton ball under your eyes for 10 minutes.

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