Well one thing led to another and in my researching of a hair DETANGLER, I came across some interesting homemade versions of hair SPRAY! As a matter of fact…you are not going to believe how simple it is to make! I mean really….you’re not going to believe it. I didn’t believe it until I made it AND tried it.  And now….I believe! :-)


1/2 cup water
2 teaspoons sugar
2 Tablespoons rubbing alcohol
6-8 drops essential oils (optional)

Heat water to a boil and turn off heat source. Add 2 tsps of sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Then add 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol and 6-8 drops of your favorite essential oil scent (optional). Once again I chose Lavender…because I love it! :-)   And THAT ladies and gentlemen…is it!


There’s one thing I never leave the house without wearing – under eye concealer. Pants are optional; eye concealer is not. I’ve tried just about every method and cream to hide my dark circles to no avail. Despite covering them with a boat load of concealer and distracting from them with bright red lipstick, my eyes always make me look old and tired.

After reading recently that parsley can work to help erase dark eye circles, I had to try it. A cure from a bunch of parsley that costs 99 cents? Really? Yep, the vitamin C, chlorophyll and vitamin K in parsley help lighten skin and reduce puffiness.

To make your mask, roughly chop a handful of parsley (preferably organic). In a small bowl, grind the leaves with a wooden spoon. Like muddling a drink, you want to grind the parsley until it releases the juice in the leaves.

Pour a tablespoon of hot water over the parsley and stir the mixture together. You can also combine the parsley with yogurt. When the water has cooled, use 2 cotton balls to soak up the juice. Lie down and keep the cotton ball under your eyes for 10 minutes.


I stumbled across this idea for silky smooth legs at militaryfit-bombshell for the other day and knew I wanted to try it. When I started looking into it more…I came across all sorts of homemade leg exfoliators! Apparently you’re supposed to exfoliate each time your shave your legs. Who knew? Obviously not me. :-)


1 1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup oil (I used olive oil, but you can use any oil, coconut oil, baby oil, canola oil, etc.)
3 tablespoons citrus juice (lemon or lime) OR 20 drops Lemon Essential Oil
Mix everything together. I put mine in a mason jar and just shook it all up. (If you take the glass jar into the bath or shower with you, please be extra careful.)


This time it’s fennel. Before you think I’m crazy – this recipe comes via Martha Stewart so it must work! Remember Whole Living? Loved that magazine. I felt healthier just reading it. I pulled out this homemade toner recipe ages ago and finally got around to making and trying it out.

You’ll need:

2 raw fennel bulbs, pureed
Juice of half a lemon
2 sprigs of fresh thyme


Strawberries and blueberries top my list of favorites foods (right up there with donuts!). So the short time of year when they are in season is like heaven. I wish I could say I whipped up fancy recipes or even a simple shortcake. Nope, we inhale them straight from the carton. And if there are any left over, they make the perfect food to put on your face.

To make the cleanser, combine a small handful of oatmeal and blueberries in a blender and pulse till combined and coarsely ground. The mixture will be moist from the blueberry juices but you can add a few drops of water if it’s too thick. Then spend a minute or two massaging the mixture into your face. Use your fingertips and go in a circular motion, avoiding the eye area. Then rinse with warm water.


It happens this same time every year…the weather starts to turn colder and my mind turns to oatmeal. Well my MIND doesn’t turn to oatmeal….my mind TURNS to oatmeal! lol.  Oh well….you know what I mean! :-)

I love oatmeal for breakfast on cold mornings!  This morning I made a bowl and added some of the Caramel Vanilla Creamer I made earlier this week and threw in a handful of roasted almonds. mmm.mmm.mmm.

I recently saw an idea for making Herbal Bath and Shower Bags at Tipnut.com and couldn’t wait to try making my own version using oatmeal. I love how oatmeal makes your skin feel after soaking in it, but it’s not always practical (or economical) to fill up the bathtub to get those benefits.

That’s where the BAG comes in. Just fill a small cloth bag with oatmeal, a little grated soap, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils and you have the benefits of an oatmeal bath that you can take into the shower with you! Plus, the cloth from the bag will provide a light scrubbing action to help clean and exfoliate your skin.

Perfect Homemade Beeswax Lip Balm

This is a stellar recipe for lip balm. It glides right on, works like a charm, and the most expensive part of each unit is the tube, and those are still only $0.25–$0.50 each, depending on where you get them and how many you buy (though, seriously, I wouldn’t pay much more than fifty cents per tube, that’s a bit of a rip-off).

awesome lip balm

20g (0.7 oz) beeswax, the natural type that still has a honey scent
25g (0.88 oz) coconut or babassu oil
15g (0.5 oz) cocoa butter
40g (1.4 oz) sweet almond oil
2g (0.1 oz) vitamin E oil
Essential oil, of your choice (Try spearmint, cinnamon, cardamom, or any of the citruses.)

Source: http://www.humblebeeandme.com/take-that-burt/


Apparently, I’m doing okay on several of the “young and hip” rules. Wear my own nails? Check. Lighten your hair? Of course. But one surprised me: “nothing ages you like dark lipstick.” What?! Apparently dark lip colors emphasize dark circles and also make lips look thinner. Yikes. Not good. What we should be wearing? Shimmery pink lip gloss.

Supplies need:

Petroleum jelly
Almond oil
Cinnamon extract or flavor
Lip gloss container
Put a glob of petroleum jelly in a microwave safe bowl and add a small bit of lipstick. Microwave for 30 seconds and stir to combine. If needed, microwave a few more seconds until everything is melted. Add a few drops of almond oil and 3-5 drops of cinnamon. A little goes a long way so use a dropper to avoid overdoing it. Check the flavor – add more if you want it hotter! Pour mixture into a lip gloss container.

Homemade lip gloss

In the spirit of doing pretty much everything myself, regardless of added difficulty to my life, I also make my own lip gloss (though it really isn’t difficult at all). I’m well aware that you can purchase lip gloss made for pretty much any price you care to name, from a 99¢ Lip Smackers that smells like soda pop and candy, to north of the $50 mark with stuff that probably isn’t much different from the $5 stuff. Not that I’d know anything about $50 lip gloss other than what the packaging looks like.

homemade lip gloss

5g beeswax
12g coconut oil
33g castor oil
15g jojoba oil
5g kukuinut oil
2g vitamin E oil
5g vegetable glycerin
Essential oils of choice (I’d recommend spice or citrus based)
Micas, for colour (optional)

Source: http://www.humblebeeandme.com/homemade-lip-gloss/

Tinted Lip Balm

If you haven’t tried my lip balm recipe, you are seriously missing out. I recently gave a tube to a friend, and as soon as she tried it she sent me an e-mail gushing about it; its perfect texture, its slight sheen on application, and its A+ melting point. The only thing left on her lip balm wish list was a bit of a tint. Just a wee bit of colour; nothing near lipstick territory. So I set off to create the ultimate tinted lip balm.

tinted lip balm

5g beeswax
6g mango butter or coconut oil
3g cocoa butter
3g kukuinut oil
7g sweet almond oil
Vitamin E oil

1/32 tsp oil soluble titanium dioxide
1/64 tsp red oxide
Teensy pinch yellow oxide
Teensy pinch brown oxide

Essential oil of choice


Need some temporary color for the beach? I do! I recently discovered that you can make homemade bronzer with kitchen ingredients – how brilliant is that?! We (me and my trusty model Jenna) gave it a try and not only does it look like the real thing, it also feels incredible on your face. It’s soft and smooth and has a bit of a tingle. Then I thought, why not add it to lotion like we did with shimmer lotion?

Supplies needed:

Plain body lotion
Cocoa powder
Corn starch


When we moved into our rental house a year ago we discovered a huge patch of wild mint in our backyard. I’ve been warned about mint, and it’s true, it does grow like a weed! Which is a good thing since the mint I planted (in a pot) earlier this year withered and died after a week in the scorching sun (oops).

So now I can have mojitos all summer long! In fact, I can drink mojitos while relaxing in a minty mojito bath all summer long! Because those totally go together, right?

I love making bath salts. It’s the perfect excuse for taking a realllly long bath to test things out.

Supplies needed:

2 cups Epsom salt, sea salt or kosher salt
Fresh mint, finely diced
Juice and zest of one lime
Mint essential oil
Green food coloring (optional)

Coconut Shimmer Lip Balm

A quick scroll through Pinterest or flip through a fashion magazine will tell you that sheers, bright colors, and those skirts with the front half missing (also called hi-lo skirts) are all very “in” this summer. This lovely lip balm is both sheer and bright, and feels just like summer to me.

coconut shimmer lip balm

4g Beeswax
5g virgin coconut oil
3g cocoa butter
4g jojoba
4g kukuinut
Vitamin E oil

¼ tsp natural red oil-soluble liquid dye (or red food colouring)
½ tsp flash copper mica

Peppermint essential oil, to taste


This reminded me of the growing number of requests I have been getting lately for a natural alternative to store-bought sunscreen. I have to admit I never really gave it much thought before this, but after reading about what is in some sunscreens, I figured a “natural” homemade alternative sounded pretty good (not to mention WAY less expensive.)

Studies show that many sunscreen ingredients (avobenzone, octyl methoxycinnamate, and oxybenzone to name a few) have toxic properties that are absorbed through the skin and end up circulating in your bloodstream. These are called chemical barrier sunscreens.

1/4 cup Diaper Rash Cream (I used Desitin Maximum Strength. If you are looking for a paraben-free diaper rash cream, try Method Baby Diaper Cream)
1 tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Cocoa Butter
1 tablespoon Aloe Vera Gel
1 teaspoon Sesame Oil
1 teaspoon Beeswax
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil

Put all the ingredients in a glass bowl set on top of a pan of boiling water and melt all the ingredients together. Allow mixture to cool and then add your favorite essential oil (if desired).  Just make sure to avoid any of the CITRUS essential oils as they can actually cause burning. Store in a cool, dry place or in the fridge.


Do you love green tea? It’s so good for you, but I just can’t seem to make myself drink it. Unless we’re talking Panera’s iced green tea. That I could chug all day! But I have a feeling there’s more than a little sugar in there. Sigh.

If you don’t want to drink your green tea, then here’s an idea – wear it! Green tea is chock full of antioxidants so you might as well put it to work repairing dry, sun-damaged skin when you need something cool on a hot summer day.

Every title for this sounds completely goofy I’ll admit. Body mist? Cooling spray? Whatever you want to call it, it feels great on your skin and smells awesome.

Supplies needed:

1 bag of green tea
Half of a cucumber
1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
Peppermint essential oil (optional)
Small spray bottle


Solid perfume is one of my new favorite beauty discoveries. I bought a small one a while ago for my green beauty basket and loved how it smelled. Since I gave that one away, I thought it would be fun to make my own and play around with different scents.

And you can keep it in your purse! Because who remembers to put on perfume in the morning? And if you do, the smell is gone in no time. Funny story, my perfume bottles have become toys for the kids – they LOVE to douse themselves while playing dress up. You can smell them coming a mile away.

To make your own solid perfume, first combine a small amount (about 2 teaspoons) of almond oil with your essential oils. My favorites scent combinations were orange with a bit of clove and peppermint with lavender. Add just a drop or two of each essential oil at a time until you have a scent you like.

Then melt a small chunk of beeswax (you can get small pieces at most health food stores) in a small glass dish in the microwave. Add the oil mixture and stir to combine. Then pour into a small container and let it sit to harden.


Today I found one MORE way to use this miracle “salt” that incorporates another amazing product I love…coconut oil! I can’t believe I never thought to combine the two. But thankfully Tiffany of The Coconut Mama did! I have a favorite scrub for my hands after gardening…but I haven’t really found a great all-over body scrub…until now that is! And it couldn’t have come at a better time.


2 cups coconut oil (I used Tropical Traditions Organic Virgin Coconut Oil)

1 cup Epsom salt

20 drops Lavender essential oil


Not to worry, this recipe is quick and easy, and totally delicious should you choose to lick some while you’re exfoliating (hint: you will want to lick some, it’s tasty).


1/2 tsp honey
1/2 tsp granulated white sugar
1/2 – 1 tsp fresh squeezed lime juice


Anyway, Monday morning reflections aside, this cooling lotion is the bomb. I’ve shouted my love of coconut oil from the rooftops, but this stuff definitely beats digging into an ugly jar every morning. My one jar has been around so long that I’m going to need a Spaddy Daddy soon – my hand won’t fit anymore! And after a day at the beach this lotion is heavenly.

Supplies needed:

Coconut oil
Aloe vera gel
Essential oils (my faves are peppermint, lavender and orange)
Container with lid


Is it really Friday already? All this week I kept thinking, summer can’t be almost over! But school has started, the days are getting shorter. This week, for me, was about celebrating the last of summer before the hustle and bustle of back to school takes over. I’m not ready to see it go! So we made coconut cooling lotion, a pina colada smoothie and this paradise mango scrub to squeeze in one last trip to the beach (even if you’re at home) before fall arrives.

Combine 1/2 cup raw sugar with a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil (heat in the microwave if it’s solid). Add a 1/4 cup chopped raw mango and a 3-4 drops of orange essential oil. Then mash everything together. Add more sugar or oil until you get a thick, goopy consistency that’s not too runny. Hop in the shower and use your hands to apply. Scrubbing in a circular motion, start at your feet and work your way up.